Brain And Nerve Surgery
03 Eylül 2018



Neurovascular surgery

ØCerebrovascular diseases (brain vascular diseases)
vArteriyovenözmalformasyon on

Neuro-oncologic surgery

Ø Brain tumors
vGlial tumors
vPituitary gland tumors
vMetastatic brain tumors
vCraniofacial tumors
vPontoserebellar corner tumors
vPineal tumors
vIntraventricular tumors

Spine surgery

vCervical, thoracic and lomber disc surgery (endoscopic / microsurgery)
vCervical, thoracic and lumbar spine fractures
vSpine and spinal tumors
vDegenerative spinal diseases

Peripheral nerve diseases surgeon

vPeripheral nerve tumors
vTrap neuropathies
vCarpal tunnel syndrome
vUlnar groove syndrome
vTarsal tunnel syndrome

Functional neurosurgery and pain surgery

vTrigeminal neuralgia
vthe Mikrovaskülerdekompresyo
vEpilepsy surgery
vSpasticity surgery
vEpiduroscopic interventions

Hydrocephalus surgeries

vEndoscopic third ventriculostomy
vVP shunt surgeries
vLP shunt surgeries

Development anomalies

vTetheredcord syndrome
vArachnoid cyst

Craniosynostosis surgery, Chiarimalformation

Head trauma, Subduralhematom

İntraserebralhematom on


v2 mechanical ventilators in intensive care unit; There are 4 sick-head monitors.
v2nd stage intensive care service is provided.


Polyclinic Services Our Ministry of Health Between 13: 00-16: 30 hours after the office of the Physician Appointment System (MHRS) (Alo 182, five working days a week from 08: 15-12: 00 and specialist doctors.

There are currently 2 professors, 2 assistant professors and 1 specialist physician in the Haydarpaşa Training Hospital Brain and Nerve Surgery Service. He completed 14 trainings from day to day until he received the title of Specialist Physician. Currently 3 assistants are continuing their training in Neurosurgery specialization.

Polyclinic services are being carried out by specialist physicians and an average of 8000 patients are referred every year. In our clinic, an average of 650 cases per year are treated by kissing. Brain and Nerve Surgery operating room has all the contemporary surgical possibilities. Cranial and spinal operations with microsurgery techniques, Endoscopic brain and pituitary operations are performed. Intraoperative neuronavigation system is still active. Thanks to the stereotaxy system biopsy is possible. Pain is being treated. Peripheral nerve lesion operations are performed.

The Brain and Nerve Surgery Service has 30 beds and a modern intensive care unit with 4 beds. In the intensive care unit, nurses, nurses and other health personnel who are trained in nursing, provide services without interruption.

Peripheral Nerve Surgery (ISBN: 978-975-01875-9-9) Ankara-2008, edited and edited by Prof.Tbp.Kd.Alb.Mehmet Nusret DEMİRCAN, shared our surgical experience and knowledge with all of our colleagues.

Currently, there are 45 publications abroad in our clinic, and clinical studies and experimental studies are continuing.


Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hakan ŞİMŞEK


Doç. Dr. Serhat PUSAT

Op .Dr. Ahmet EROĞLU

Uzm. Dr. Balkan ŞAHİN


Uzm. Dr. Murat  ATAR