Sleep Diagnosis And Treatment Services
14 Eylül 2018


Polysomnography is the name used to diagnose sleep disorders such as snoring, sleep apnea, periodic limb movements during sleep, and the examination of the patient's brain waves, eye movements, respiratory activities, blood oxygen level and muscle activity during night sleep.

The patient's brain electroencephalogram (EEG), eye movement electrosurgery (EOG), jaw muscle tension electrosurgery (chin EMG), recordings of hospitalization positions, breathing airflow, breathing chest and abdomen movements, blood oxygen level, ECG), Leg muscle contractions Electrode (leg EMG) is recorded.

You can review the Video-EEG Monitorization records so that your disease / seizures can be examined, and where seizures originate from your brain.

These records are examined later and the sleeping structure of the patient is evaluated first. Sleep stages and architecture are created. Then, during this sleep period, respiratory events are assessed to see if the patient has any breathing abnormalities (breathlessness or interruption), as well as evolving oxygen level changes, awakening reactions, heart rate changes, and limb movements during sleep. In the next step, all these processed data are passed back to the computer to determine the sleep quality, sufficiency, whether it is divided by awake periods, whether there is sleep, breathlessness or shortness of breath, if any, the frequency, duration, position in which sleep is evident, the duration and depth of blood oxygenation, the changes in heart rate with sleeping and abnormal breathing events, the presence of leg movements in sleep, the frequency of occurrence, if any, and whether the patient has a sleeping or sleep related illness, threads.

In the sleep laboratory, sleep apnea disease, which manifests itself especially with snoring sleeping and daytime sleepiness, is admitted. Moreover, patients who are suspected to have drowsiness in the daytime as well as those who are suspected of having periodic limb movements in sleep, which in turn cause sleepiness and drowsiness in the daytime, and, more rarely, those with narcolepsy.