Infectious Diseases
03 Eylül 2018

Our service;
Acute hepatitis,
Chronic hepatitis B and C virus infections,
HIV infection,
Skin and soft tissue infections,
Bone and joint infections,
Resistant urinary tract infections,
Food poisoning, diarrhea,
Central nervous system infections (Meningitis),
Unknown cause is fever,
Infection in immunocompromised patients,
Influenza and colds,
Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever,
Prevention and treatment of travel infections,
Diabetic foot infections,
Sexually transmitted diseases,
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis,
Tetanus, typhoid, brucellosis, malaria, rickettsia,
Infectious diseases with rash,
Infection during pregnancy,
Parasite diseases are treated.

Our policlinic services are provided by the Ministry of Health's Center for Physician Appointment System (MHRS) (Alo 182, 5 days a week between 13: 00-16: 30 pm on weekdays from 08: 15- 12: faculty members and specialist doctors.


Our Clinical Microbiology laboratory, where microbiological tests are necessary for our patients in our clinic, is available 24/7.


In order to carry out preventive health services, we have a vaccination unit serving you and your hospital staff and your vaccination nurse.


Hospital Infection Control Our committee is conducting the necessary studies to control and monitor hospital infections and to reduce these infections the most; staff, patients and their relatives to prevent hospital infections. Antibiotic Control We are fighting more effectively with infections by providing rational antibiotic use with our work. Our Clinical Microbiology laboratory, where microbiological tests are necessary for our patients in our clinic, is available 24/7. As Infection Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Service employees, we strive to be the reference center and the best possible healthcare service using the highest level of modern medicine with the strength we have acquired from our experienced and expert cadres. In our service you apply for the purpose of protecting, maintaining and recuperating your health, we are providing bedside and remote diagnosis and treatment services with experienced physicians who are professors, associate professors and assistant professors as well as experts and specialists. Our experienced nurses perform their duties in a complete manner and provide a privileged health service with the support of assistive services in order to carry out the service continuation and maintenance services at the highest level.

Our service;
For our patients who need to be isolated due to their illness, there are four single rooms for patients and two quadruples for each room. Toilets, bathrooms, fridges and televisions are available in each room.


We have an invasive implantation room equipped for liver needle biopsy, lumbar puncture, and removal of deep tissue cultures. Liver needle biopsies required for the diagnosis and follow-up of chronic hepatitis are performed by our experienced team in order to prevent complications in the presence of ultrasonography.


As Infection Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Service employees, we strive to be the reference center and the best possible healthcare service using the highest level of modern medicine with the strength we have acquired from our experienced and expert cadres.


In our service you apply for the purpose of protecting, maintaining and recuperating your health, we are providing bedside and remote diagnosis and treatment services with experienced physicians who are professors, associate professors and assistant professors as well as experts and specialists. Our experienced nurses perform their duties in a complete manner and provide a privileged health service with the support of assistive services in order to carry out the service continuation and maintenance services at the highest level.


In addition to specialist training at the Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Service, trainee surgeon, trainee petty officer and trainee nurse are trained. The central oxygen system and mechanical ventilator in our service allow easy follow-up by serious patients such as meningitis and sepsis. In the laboratory, culture and antibiotics, blood count, formula leukocyte, serological tests, urine and fecal examinations are performed. Blood cultures are followed by Bactec automated blood culture device. With our -85C deep freezers in our service, laboratory samples can be stored and sample stocks are created.

The "Infection Control Committee" (EKK) activities are working closely with other services. "Health Workers", which are constituted as a sub-unit of the ECL to protect health workers against infections that may develop in the hospital environment, to implement necessary immunization programs and to protect against diseases that can be protected by vaccination, to identify personnel carrying infectious diseases by carrying out necessary screening, Occupational Infection Control Center "activities are being carried out.



Prof. Dr. Levent GÖRENEK 
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Rıza Aytaç ÇETİNKAYA 
Uzm.  Dr. Ercan YENİLMEZ 
Uzm. Dr. Sinem Akkaya IŞIK